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Alternatives To BDO: MPO's Potential in Polyurethane Applications

Views: 282     Author: Vickey     Publish Time: 2023-12-21      Origin: Site


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Alternatives To BDO: MPO's Potential in Polyurethane Applications

For most processors in MDI systems, 1,4-butanediol (BDO) is the preferred chain extender. BDO has good physical qualities and is easily dissolved in liquid; however, because of its higher freezing point, hygroscopic nature, and regulative control, processors could wonder if there are better chain extender options.It's possible that many producers are unaware of the existence of 2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol (MPO), an effective BDO replacement. In comparison to BDO, MPO is a more user-friendly diol because it is not subject to laws and is even used in cosmetics. Aside from this advantage, MPO exhibits special low-temperature performance, hydrolytic stability, a less hygroscopic nature, an incredibly low freezing point of -54°C, and other characteristics that facilitate its usage in MDI systems.It's critical that you comprehend the ways in which this chain extender can lower expenses and improve production efficiency. To fully understand the array of advantages that come with MPO, consider some of its unique features:

1.Easier Handling

BDO (butanediol) exhibits a higher freezing point and tends to become viscous at lower temperatures, leading to additional costs associated with logistics, storage, and processing. On the other hand, MPO (methyl oleate) remains in a liquid state unless subjected to extremely low temperatures, such as those experienced in Alaska, and does not require warming under normal conditions. This unique characteristic not only facilitates processing in cold weather but also presents advantages for companies seeking to reduce storage and handling expenses associated with the use of heated lines and other precautionary measures. The versatility of MPO in maintaining its liquid form contributes to cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency in various industrial applications.

2.Enhanced Reactivity

Another significant distinction between BDO and MPO lies in the reactivity of the latter. MPO exhibits a faster reaction rate than BDO when used as a chain extender in the formation of polyester polyol. This increased reactivity is observed even at lower temperatures, making MPO a highly efficient option for manufacturers.

The faster reaction rate of MPO brings several advantages to chemical applications. Firstly, it improves processing times, allowing for faster production cycles and increased productivity. Additionally, the reduced energy requirements contribute to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Moreover, the superior reactivity of MPO has a positive impact on the color quality of the final products. Manufacturers who prioritize the appearance and aesthetics of their applications can benefit from using MPO as it helps achieve better color consistency and reduces the likelihood of discoloration issues.

In terms of versatility, MPO surpasses not only BDO but also other small molecule diols such as EG, DEG, PG, NPG, and others. Its fast reaction rate and compatibility with various materials make it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications in the chemical industry.

For more detailed information on the reactivity and benefits of using MPO in chemical applications, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to provide further insights and assistance.


3.Reduction of Hygroscopicity

BDO (butanediol) has a higher freezing point and tends to become viscous at lower temperatures, leading to additional costs associated with logistics, storage, and processing. This characteristic increases the complexity of handling and transporting BDO, as it requires special precautions to prevent solidification and clogging of pipelines and equipment.

In contrast, MPO (methyl oleate) remains in a liquid state unless subjected to extremely low temperatures, such as those experienced in Alaska. This unique characteristic makes MPO an ideal choice for applications that require processing in cold weather conditions. The liquid state of MPO also presents advantages for companies seeking to reduce storage and handling expenses associated with the use of heated lines and other precautionary measures.

The versatility of MPO in maintaining its liquid form contributes to cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency in various industrial applications. Manufacturers can use MPO in a wide range of processes without the need for additional heating or cooling equipment, reducing energy consumption and costs. Furthermore, the liquid state of MPO simplifies the handling and transportation of the chemical, reducing the likelihood of damage or spills.

Overall, the ability of MPO to remain in a liquid state under normal conditions presents significant advantages over BDO, making it a preferred choice for many industrial applications. By reducing logistics, storage, and processing costs, MPO contributes to cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency in the chemical industry.

4.Liquidity Stability

When comparing the hydrolysis resistance of cured polyurethane parts, the difference between BDO and MPO becomes even more evident. To investigate this, we conducted tests on both MPO polyol and BDO polyol at elevated temperatures. Our evaluation involved subjecting the polyols to 10% water at 90℃, and the results revealed a significant contrast. The BDO adipate displayed an exponential increase in the rate of hydrolysis, while the MPO adipate showed minimal change.

This durability advantage offered by MPO is particularly valuable for organizations involved in the production of marine environment products or outdoor gear materials. The ability of MPO to resist hydrolysis ensures that polyurethane materials maintain their structural integrity and performance over time, even in harsh and moisture-prone environments. This makes MPO an ideal choice for applications such as boat components, outdoor equipment, and other products that are exposed to water or high humidity.

Furthermore, MPO provides polyurethane materials with enhanced abrasion resistance, further enhancing their durability and longevity. This characteristic is especially beneficial for products that experience frequent wear and tear, such as protective coatings, industrial components, and sports equipment.

The superior hydrolysis resistance of MPO compared to BDO makes it a valuable option for manufacturers in industries that require long-lasting and reliable polyurethane materials. Its ability to withstand the effects of moisture and provide enhanced abrasion resistance contributes to the overall performance and lifespan of the final products.


5.Compatibility in Mixtures of Multiple Component

BDO's compatibility in multicomponent mixtures can be challenging. When tested with three different polyols (PPG polyols, PTMEG 2000, and polyester polyol 2000), it was observed that BDO caused notable separation issues, leading to difficulties in achieving homogeneity.

On the other hand, MPO exhibits a significantly wider range of compatibility, allowing for successful blending with other chemicals. Its improved stability and compatibility ensure that you can avoid quality problems resulting from off-ratio mixtures, ultimately reducing defects and production issues that can increase costs.

The ability of MPO to maintain homogeneity in various mixtures not only enhances the overall product quality but also streamlines the production process, saving time and resources. This makes MPO a preferred choice for industries that rely on precise and consistent blending of chemicals in their manufacturing operations.


MPO offers a versatile alternative to BDO in softer polyurethane applications like fabric coatings, paddings, and spray coatings. If you're a polyurethane processor aiming to meet consumer demands for smooth and plush products, you'll appreciate how MPO can effectively replace BDO as a chain extender.

Moreover, MPO demonstrates remarkable flexibility beyond its role as a chain extender. It can serve as a curative, solvent, dispersant, and reactant (when combined with polyester polyols and prepolymers). This wide range of functionalities allows for greater adaptability in various manufacturing processes.

By using MPO as a chain extender, you can experience several benefits. It can help reduce storage expenses while improving the hydrolytic stability of your applications. Furthermore, MPO contributes to significant enhancements in processing efficiency and overall performance qualities. Its multifunctional nature makes it a valuable component in the production of high-quality polyurethane products.

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